What Caused Doreen Virtue to Become a Born Again

What Happened To Doreen Virtue – Angel Cards And Christianity?

I have had so many people ask me most what happened to Doreen Virtue? We all take heroes and part models of every kind. Television set heroes that save the twenty-four hour period. Good friends that nosotros look up to. Scientists and physicians have brought health and wonderful inventions to the world. Fifty-fifty some public figures accept been an inspiration such as the tardily President Kennedy and Martin Luther King. Some of the most of import of these notable figures are spiritual leaders. Those that teach united states what it ways to be a spirit living in a human trunk and expressing information technology. Sometimes, nonetheless, these pillars of virtue can fall or at least fall in our eyes. Which do yous recall is true of Doreen Virtue's reversal of path?

When a friend recently told me that Hay House maven Doreen Virtue had denounced her previous beingness as the doyen of intuitive carte du jour decks, even her Angel Cards, and had reinvented herself as a bible bearing Christian I could take been blown over past an angel'due south feather. And then I gear up out to investigate. The net was in an uproar. Christians were delighting that such a famous New Historic period celebrity had denounced the devil'southward piece of work and converted to a path of righteousness. Hardcore tarot card readers and fans were upset and aroused; they felt used and abandoned. I watched the now infamous video and this is where I concluded upward.

Doreen Virtue Stopped Using Tarot And Card Decks

communing with angels and other spirits is possible for everyone

What Doreen Virtue said in her video was that she had stopped using her card decks or indeed whatsoever card decks. She said that she should never have created her Ascended Masters deck because that was not how they wished us to connect with them. Dr. Virtue has nada against card decks per se, her trouble was more how they were being used. She had been using them every bit a proxy for communicating direct with God and she had realized this was non correct for her.

I did a podcast episode nigh carte du jour decks not so long ago entitled "How to Use Tarot Cards." As opposed to being an instruction guide for using cards, it was meant to be more nigh how to approach information technology in general. I accept to say I concur with most of what Doreen Virtue said. The power is non inside the object. The power is inside y'all. So if you lot are using your tarot equally though the deck is the oracle itself then, in my opinion, you are misguided. If you lot take memorized the book that came with your deck then you are using your intellect and not your intuition.

Carte decks can be a bully tool to help people featherbed their intellect and admission intuition. If you are looking at the symbols and pictures and translating them into meaning in the context of the present moment and the person being read so you are using your cards every bit a doorway to your higher knowing. Many people can't admission their intuition easily due to their intellectual programming. Starting with a card deck can be a gentle introduction to intuition and maybe less frustrating for the student than trying to access it direct. This is why I created my Portico cards.

Another perspective is certain people having a Psychic Reading are not in control of their energy. Equally they are curious virtually what volition be said they project their energy into the third centre of the reader. Every bit someone who reads from trance without objects of any kind, I can tell you this tin can be extremely painful and uncomfortable. So it has to be managed energetically. For readers who exercise not know techniques for that having a card deck can concenter the readers' invasive energy onto the card deck instead of into the reader'due south head as the person beingness read, they believe that is where the power lies.

What Happened To Doreen Virtue – Christianity And New Age Beliefs

The reason Christians and New Agers dislike each other so much is based on misunderstandings well-nigh each other. As well as misinterpretation of doctrine that bears no resemblance to the ancient spiritual teachings of our man heritage or universal spiritual laws.

As someone who originally trained in the spiritual arts at a Psychic Christian church, I believe I have a unique perspective on this. My training including a clairvoyant reading of the Bible to admission the essence of the teachings, which accept been translated and mistranslated through many languages, were copied by mitt over and over earlier the invention of the press press and tweaked by various self-interested parties for political gain. Some of the essences were lost.

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Not but that much of the original teachings were encoded, symbolic, metaphors, and parables to preserve the information for followers and protect it from foes. Information technology was never meant to be taken literally. What I learned from my time in psychic seminary was that the bible discusses energy healing and spiritual abilities at length. Far from beingness the piece of work of the devil, these were gifts from God that we tin use to communicate equally spirit and to receive guidance.

The foundation of all religions is beloved. The message of all corking teachers is Love thy neighbor as thyself. We are all unique aspects of God and were given the freedom to express our unique perspective on World. When we allow ourselves to connect through dearest we can have each other every bit unique expressions of divine consciousness and not judge, fear, and seek to command.

What Happened To Doreen Virtue What Does Doreen Virtue Say About Jesus And The Bible?

This may horrify some people, merely I am going to say it anyway. Jesus was a healer and a psychic. Equally Doreen Virtue, he is one of my favorite teachers. I consult him often in my work and I ask for his guidance. He never refuses me and is delighted to help. Also, similar Doreen Virtue, I am usually careful almost whom I tell this to. A fundamental Christian would say I was a blasphemer. A new age follower might blench at the mention of his proper name.

He doesn't expect at all like near of the paintings and moving-picture show portrayals past the manner.

Jesus'south life and many of the books in the New Attestation provide a roadmap for life on Earth. Far from being a prediction of our demise, the Book of Revelations tells you all you lot demand to know virtually operating consciously as Spirit in a human body. Many of the books in the Old Testament are historical. When read clairvoyantly reveal a history quite dissimilar from what you learned at school and are replete with giants, genetics, aliens living on Earth, spaceships, and more.

Being psychic and believing in Jesus and the bible are not mutually sectional. I embrace both and Doreen Virtue shouldn't have to choose between them.

1 other thing Doreen Virtue mentioned virtually her visitation from Christ was that she knew at that moment that he was THE son of God. I would similar to hear more from her about that. Jesus is the son of God and I believe his message was that we are all children of God. In other words, we are all projections of the Source. Nosotros are all aspects of God incarnate. Jesus realized he was. He awakened as divine consciousness inside a torso and mastered being a spiritual presence on Earth. We also can be enlightened if we follow his guidance; or the teachings of other masters.

What Happened To Doreen Virtue The Doreen Virtue Conversion To Christianity

The story is that she has ever been a Christian, merely was non e'er comfy expressing

angel therapy starts in the heart and the spirit
The Epitome Of An Affections Floating In The Sky

this in public for fear of alienating part of her fan base. This comes from Doreen Virtue'southward Jesus video on the web.

Until one day while attending a Church service, she had a visitation from Jesus. He encouraged her to be true to herself, alive a more authentic life, and stop using her angel cards as a form of idol worship.

Doreen Virtue has undergone an image alter over the final few years. She has changed her advent from a glittering angelic siren to mother Mary in blue. It may be that she decided to age gracefully or finish dying her pilus for wellness reasons. Only could it be she was moving toward her new public persona all along? One may wonder what Michael Robinson Doreen Virtue's husband thinks about the whole scenario.

When I look at what happened to Doreen Virtue and the transition what I see is her becoming more grounded. The angelic persona was a fit when she was non grounded and spent more time out of her body communing with angels and other spirits. As she got more than in touch with her body, the planet and, the creatures of the earth she got more grounded and more nowadays in her body. So the current Doreen Virtue is more earthy and in a sense more real, more than human, less perfect.

A Complimentary Psychic Reading

Another change is she is avoiding doing psychic readings, including her famous Doreen Virtue Weekly Reading and Angel Bulletin For Today, and says at present she prefers to pray and report the bible. I am concerned that this will cause a further schism in the psychic Christian difference. For me, both are ways of communicating as Spirit. Praying is existence in communication with God. When I read I am communicating with God. I read from trance, a meditative state which allows me to melody out the physical globe and tune into spiritual reality. I can inquire questions, ask for help, and receive my answers. This is probably what Doreen is doing when she prays. She probably also reads the bible intuitively by asking God for deeper insights into its meaning.

What Happened To Doreen Virtue – Is Doreen Virtue Profiting From Turning To Christianity?

Doreen Virtue had told Hay House that she no longer wished to profit from her intuitive card decks, like her Archangel Oracle Cards a 45-carte deck and guidebook, and instructed them to give her royalties to charity and if new decks were printed to remove her proper name from them as she no longer wished to endorse them. This is a real turnabout for the most prolific creator of card decks. Currently, Hay House lists 36 bill of fare decks with her name on them. The number could be higher if there are some already out of print. Her books, some of which are, Affections Therapy, Archangels, And Ascended Masters A Guide, Angel Therapy, are best sellers. I may wonder what will happen to Doreen Virtue's net worth and volition information technology matter to her.

On hearing what happened to Doreen Virtue all this one cynical blogger put forward the following stance. "Perhaps Doreen Virtue's sales take been declining and this is an attempt to create controversy to get noticed once more. It might stimulate a rush on her old products before they are no longer available. She becomes a limited article."

Then, of course, the new persona piques curiosity from her existing fan base and attention from a massive new audition – the Christian community. In this projected futurity reality, a new throng of followers is created and flocks to her new YouTube channel; a captive audience for her new Christian focused products. Whether this happens remains to be seen. I believe she will write more books; it's is in her soul, simply they volition be different ones that volition attract a new audition.

Is it contrived? Not necessarily.

a look at doreen virtue clairvoyantlyWhat Happened To Doreen Virtue A Healing And Psychic Reading For Doreen Virtue

When I look at Doreen Virtue clairvoyantly right now this is what I see:

A tremendous corporeality of attention has been piled on meridian of her. Her main vibration is a healing blue. But she looks grey every bit she is covered in strange energy such as expectations and judgment from others. She feels overwhelmed and is tired of it considering it blocks her articulate communication with God. The situation is bringing up an opportunity for some inner healing. I am seeing some shame, some regret; a desire to be authentic and understood, simply a question near whether that is even possible. I see her struggling internally but genuinely turning to God for answers; being humbled by her transformation. She is retreating from the unwanted attending that comes non only from the new age fan base of operations. Information technology'due south also from the Christians who gauge her past behavior and who want to shovel their doctrine onto her rather than leave her be to develop her answers.

So I administer healing. I help her clear her connection with God and the planet. I run Christ Force energy through her space and enquire Jesus to help. Together we articulate the strange energy off. Her vibration increases. The master vibration changes from bluish to yellow. She feels relief, release, freedom, and joy. She feels closer to God.

My proper name is Rev. Dr. Lesley Phillips – I am a child of God.

Her name is Doreen Virtue Ph.D. – she is my sis.

What happened to Doreen Virtue? Her proper noun similar yours is written on the skein of time and space – Doreen and you too are a divine portion of the cosmic whole.


In Pain – Need A Healing?

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Source: https://drlesleyphillips.com/ask-dr-lesley/what-happened-to-doreen-virtue/

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